I believe that listening is powerful, even more powerful
than talking. Despite my inability to
shut up, I believe listening is precious, and everyone deserves to be listened to. Listening is the soul of understanding. It is the catalyst of the humble. And it is not without a silence that has the
ability to grow your heart. Listening
doesn’t just happen with your ears, but with your entire body. The senses – all of them are made for listening:
to learn, to understand, and to grow. And
it is beauty that we are listening for, and beauty truly is everywhere. The world is beautiful. Its people are beautiful. Sometimes, you
might have to listen closely, but beauty blooms in all seasons, all weathers,
and in all ridiculousness that is existence.
Because that is what existence is: ridiculous.
So ridiculous that we are alive and have people we are madly
in love with. Our friends and family:
more precious than diamonds, and easier to find too, but more difficult to love
and admire, perhaps. But oh, how that
love is unique and more precious than anything you will ever find. And to be with the people that you love –
that is life’s greatest gift, so please do find yourself with the people you
love. Life, though, is ridiculous enough
to have people live in mansions while the homeless man around the corner freezes
in naught but rags; from madly in love to madness.
I believe that life is unfair – unfair in rags, but even in riches, too. The world holds no vendettas, but
people can. And people have a
right to be angry, but no one has the right to hurt another person, no. But it happens, and it is sad. Sorrow blooms in all seasons, all weathers,
and even in the brightest of lives.
Accept it, listen to it, learn from it, and keep growing – please,
please keep growing because that is the only way to stop it. Mistakes happen, sorrow happens, but so too
does beauty that shines brighter than all the darkness that might exist.
Family is that brightness for me; family is the most beautiful thing I have ever been a part of. Love knows no boundaries in the family; it is crazy, but it is bliss. And children should always try to make their parents happy. To respect their wishes and hopes as much as possible. And to realize that no matter how old we may become, we will always be their children. If there is nothing in particular that you want to live for - live for your family. The family you are already a part of, and the family that you will one day have.
Family is that brightness for me; family is the most beautiful thing I have ever been a part of. Love knows no boundaries in the family; it is crazy, but it is bliss. And children should always try to make their parents happy. To respect their wishes and hopes as much as possible. And to realize that no matter how old we may become, we will always be their children. If there is nothing in particular that you want to live for - live for your family. The family you are already a part of, and the family that you will one day have.